Megan G.

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Megan G.


The family's roots are from Northern Virginia, which is rather rare considering how many millions of people who have moved here since the 1960s.


Megan G.

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Megan *

During the time frame after World War II, my family was able to recover from the depression and
war, and managed to create a prosperous foundation for our family to grow. While some of the family has
moved across the United States, we have remained connected because of a strong family history.
My maternal grandfather was born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia. While his family was
somewhat cushioned from the Great Depression, my maternal grandmother was not. She was born in
West Virginia and was deeply affected by the Depression which caused a deep-set desire to save later in
life. After the war, my grandmother moved to DC and worked as a secretary for the CIA. She met my
grandfather who, after the war, worked for the city of Alexandria and the naval reserves. As the economy
started improving, my grandparents were able to buy property in Arlington Virginia and build a house on
it, which is where my grandfather resides still. When my grandparent started their family, my
grandmother left her job with the CIA to become a nanny until 1961 when she left the workforce to raise
her then 3 children, followed by a 4th.
My grandfather, who was the first in his family to graduate from college retired from the city of
Alexandria in his late 40’s and soon after became a tax preparer which he still is today. Because he
made wise investments and bought stock in major companies, they were able to take many family trips to
historical sights across the U.S., build a second vacation home at Lake Anna in Mineral, VA and he was
also able to put all of his children through college. My grandparents’ children have scattered across the
states, two still live in Northern Virginia, including my mom, one aunt lives in Washington State, and the
other aunt lives in Colorado.
All in all, my maternal grandparents prospered after World War II and for the most part, their
children have followed in their footsteps, making wise financial decisions and enjoying the ability to
provide for their own families in the same way and pursue their passions in life. My immediate family
history has gone through harder times on occasion, but we have never suffered the inability of affording
the necessities of life.

After World War II, on my paternal side, my grandfather worked for the US Mint while my
grandmother stayed home with her 3 children in Arlington, VA. When my grandfather retired, they moved
to Fredericksburg and lived on a farm. After my grandmother passed in 1985, my grandfather stayed in
the area for a while, but then retired to Florida. Their three children including my father, all stayed fairly
local to the Northern Virginia Area, my father lived in Arlington, my Aunt lived in Fairfax, which she still
does, and my other aunt lived in Arlington for a while before moving to Greensboro, NC.
Recent history, my paternal grandfather and grandmother are buried in King George County, VA,
while my maternal grandmother is buried at Arlington National Cemetery where my grandfather will be
placed. Both sides of my family try to gather as frequently as our calendars permit. We take large family
vacations with my paternal side every year in October, and since we live so close in proximity with my
maternal grandfather, we often get together for dinners and outings at Lake Anna. We don’t get to see
my two aunts and their families who live in the west, but we stay in touch to the best of our abilities.
Because my families were able to prosper after the war, it has had a direct affect on my life.
Having two sets of grandparents that worked for the Government, both City and Federal helped to
cushion my family from the negative effects of the Great Depression and World War II. Thanks to my
grandparents being able to support my mom, she was able to raise me and my sister in a nice home and
provide for us. Learning more about the struggles and triumphs my family went through has made me
appreciate what I have and what I am able to do more.
After World War II, times changed, the economy got better, families bloomed, and my family was
no exception. Both sides of my family were able to thrive and create strong foundations for our families
which has remained strong and will continue to grow as our families grow.



Megan G., “Megan G.,” Historical Memory:, accessed March 9, 2025,

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